Bitte benutzen Sie diese Referenz, um auf diese Ressource zu verweisen: doi:10.22028/D291-39939
Titel: Radiation-Induced Brain Injury : Age Dependency of Neurocognitive Dysfunction Following Radiotherapy
VerfasserIn: Rübe, Claudia E.
Raid, Silvia
Palm, Jan
Rübe, Christian
Sprache: Englisch
Titel: Cancers
Bandnummer: 15
Heft: 11
Verlag/Plattform: MDPI
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Freie Schlagwörter: ionizing radiation
radiation-induced brain injury
neurocognitive dysfunction
age dependency
DDC-Sachgruppe: 610 Medizin, Gesundheit
Dokumenttyp: Journalartikel / Zeitschriftenartikel
Abstract: Cranial radiotherapy is a known risk factor for neurocognitive impairment in cancer survivors. Although radiation-induced cognitive dysfunction is observed in patients of all ages, children seem to be more vulnerable than adults to suffering age-related deficits in neurocognitive skills. So far, the underlying mechanisms by which IR negatively influences brain functions as well as the reasons for the profound age dependency are still insufficiently known. We performed a comprehensive Pubmed-based literature search to identify original research articles that reported on age dependency of neurocognitive dysfunction following cranial IR exposure. Numerous clinical trials in childhood cancer survivors indicate that the severity of radiation-induced cognitive dysfunction is clearly dependent on age at IR exposure. These clinical findings were related to the current state of experimental research providing important insights into the age dependency of radiationinduced brain injury and the development of neurocognitive impairment. Research in pre-clinical rodent models demonstrates age-dependent effects of IR exposure on hippocampal neurogenesis, radiation-induced neurovascular damage and neuroinflammation.
DOI der Erstveröffentlichung: 10.3390/cancers15112999
URL der Erstveröffentlichung:
Link zu diesem Datensatz: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-399394
ISSN: 2072-6694
Datum des Eintrags: 12-Jun-2023
Fakultät: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Fachrichtung: M - Radiologie
Professur: M - Prof. Dr. Christian Rübe
Sammlung:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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