List of publications

article2021IL-17C contributes to NTHi-induced inflammation and lung damage in experimental COPD and is present in sputum during acute exacerbationsVella, Giovanna; Ritzmann, Felix; Wolf, Lisa; Kamyschnikov, Andreas; Stodden, Hannah; Herr, Christian; Slevogt, Hortense; Bals, Robert; Beißwenger, Christoph
article2021Blockade of PD-1 decreases neutrophilic inflammation and lung damage in experimental COPDRitzmann, Felix; Borchardt, Kai; Vella, Giovanna; Chitirala, Praneeth; Angenendt, Adrian; Herr, Christian; Menger, Michael D.; Hoth, Markus; Lis, Annette; Bohle, Rainer M.; Bals, Robert; Beisswenger, Christoph
article2020The IL-17 receptor IL-17RE mediates polyIC-induced exacerbation of experimental allergic asthmaVella, Giovanna; Lunding, Lars; Ritzmann, Felix; Honecker, Anja; Herr, Christian; Wegmann, Michael; Bals, Robert; Beisswenger, Christoph
article2019The composition of the pulmonary microbiota in sarcoidosis - an observational studyBecker, André; Vella, Giovanna; Galata, Valentina; Rentz, Katharina; Beisswenger, Christoph; Herr, Christian; Walter, Jörn Erik; Tierling, Sascha; Slevogt, Hortense; Keller, Andreas; Bals, Robert
article2019IL-17C-mediated innate inflammation decreases the response to PD-1 blockade in a model of Kras-driven lung cancerRitzmann, Felix; Jungnickel, Christopher; Vella, Giovanna; Kamyschnikow, Andreas; Herr, Christian; Li, Dong; Menger, Michael M.; Angenendt, Adrian; Hoth, Markus; Lis, Annette; Bals, Robert; Beisswenger, C.
article2019Interleukin 17 Receptor E (IL-17RE) and IL-17C Mediate the Recruitment of Neutrophils during Acute Streptococcus pneumoniae PneumoniaSteck, Patrick; Ritzmann, Felix; Honecker, Anja; Vella, Giovanna; Herr, Christian; Gaupp, Rosmarie; Bischoff, Markus; Speer, Timotheus; Tschernig, Thomas; Bals, Robert; Beisswenger, Christoph
Name:Vella, Giovanna
Faculty: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Department: M - Innere Medizin
Professorship:M - Prof. Dr. Robert Bals
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