Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: doi:10.22028/D291-34478
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Title: Key Parameters for the Synthesis of Active and Selective Nanostructured 3d Metal Catalysts Starting from Coordination Compounds – Case Study: Nickel Mediated Reductive Amination
Author(s): Klarner, Mara
Blach, Patricia
Wittkämper, Haiko
de Jonge, Niels
Papp, Christian
Kempe, Rhett
Language: English
Title: ChemCatChem
Volume: 13
Issue: 14
Startpage: 3257
Endpage: 3261
Publisher/Platform: Wiley
Year of Publication: 2021
Publikation type: Journal Article
Abstract: The design of nanostructured catalysts based on earth-abundant metals that mediate important reactions efficiently, selectively and with a broad scope is highly desirable. Unfortunately, the synthesis of such catalysts is poorly understood. We report here on highly active Ni catalysts for the reductive amination of ketones by ammonia employing hydrogen as a reducing agent. The key functions of the Ni-salen precursor complex during catalyst synthesis have been identified: (1) Ni-salen complexes sublime during catalyst synthesis, which allows molecular dispersion of the metal precursor on the support material. (2) The salen ligand forms a nitrogen-doped carbon shell by decomposition, which embeds and stabilizes the Ni nanoparticles on the γ-Al2O3 support. (3) Parameters, such as flow rate of the pyrolysis gas, determine the carbon supply for the embedding process of Ni nanoparticles.
DOI of the first publication: 10.1002/cctc.202100562
URL of the first publication:
Link to this record: hdl:20.500.11880/31692
ISSN: 1867-3899
Date of registration: 2-Sep-2021
Faculty: NT - Naturwissenschaftlich- Technische Fakultät
Department: NT - Physik
Professorship: NT - Keiner Professur zugeordnet
Collections:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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