Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: doi:10.22028/D291-39908
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Title: Non-invasive endothelial cell density measurement of in toto pre-stripped DMEK-roll - impact of pre- and intraoperative endothelial cell loss on postoperative midterm clinical outcome
Author(s): Berg, Kolja
Safi, Tarek
Seitz, Berthold
Daas, Loay
Language: English
Title: Eye
Publisher/Platform: Springer Nature
Year of Publication: 2023
Free key words: Corneal diseases
Outcomes research
DDC notations: 610 Medicine and health
Publikation type: Journal Article
Abstract: BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To measure the endothelial cell density (ECD) of the in toto pre-stripped endothelial Descemet membrane lamellae (EDML) and to describe the impact of pre- and intraoperative endothelial cell loss (ECL) on postoperative midterm clinical outcome. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The ECD of 56 Corneoscleral Donor Discs (CDD) was first measured with an inverted specular microscope (t0pre). The measurement was then repeated non-invasively after the preparation of the EDML (t0post). DMEK was performed the next day using these grafts. Follow-up examinations took place 6 weeks, 6 months and 1 year postoperatively where the ECD was assessed. In addition, the impact of ECL 1 (during preparation) and ECL 2 (during surgery) on the ECD, visual acuity (VA) and pachymetry at 6 months and 1 year was investigated. RESULTS: The average ECD (in cells/mm²) at time points t0pre, t0post, 6 weeks, 6 months & 1 year was 2584 ± 200, 2355 ± 207, 1366 ± 345, 1091 ± 564 and 939 ± 352. The average logMAR VA and pachymetry (in μm) was 0.50 ± 0.27 and 597 ± 63, 0.23 ± 0.17 and 535 ± 54, 0.16 ± 0.12 and 535 ± 54, 0.06 ± 0.08 and 512 ± 37, respectively The ECL 1 (9% on average) had no significant impact on the main outcome measures after 6 months and 1 year (p > 0.11). The ECL 2 correlated significantly with the ECD and the pachymetry at 1 year postop (p < 0.02). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the non-invasive ECD measurement of the prestripped EDML roll before its transplantation is feasible. Despite significantly decreasing ECD up to 6 months postoperatively, visual acuity further improved and thickness further decreased up to 1 year postoperatively.
DOI of the first publication: 10.1038/s41433-023-02450-x
URL of the first publication:
Link to this record: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-399087
ISSN: 1476-5454
Date of registration: 6-Jun-2023
Faculty: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Department: M - Augenheilkunde
Professorship: M - Prof. Dr. Berthold Seitz
Collections:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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